His most recent doctor visits have been very optimistic. Ben's head bleed is stabilizing which is amazing. It hasn't progressed or spread outside of the ventricle it originated from, which is great for his potential development.
Another encouraging update came from one of his doctors in the neurology department. She believes that the seizures most likely are caused by the bleed and once the bleed heals, the seizures will stop and he will develop normally. While this is not a guarantee that our son will be completely fine, it does give us reason to hope in a full recovery.
Another leap forward: Ben is being weaned off one of his medications. It will take seven weeks for him to be completely weaned but, after that, he will only have one seizure medication to take every day (Lord willing, he will be weaned off of that one soon after as well).
We have seen God working in Ben's life through the care he's receiving from excellent medical staff in one of the best Children's hospitals in the country, to healing his body, to using his circumstance to draw people nearer to the Lord. God is using this little baby to glorify Himself and to show off His great attributes (merciful, loving, sovereign, protector, provider, healer, omnipotent, etc.)
We are trusting that God is going to use our little Ben throughout his life to bring glory to our Heavenly Father and hopefully, to proclaim the gospel to a lost and dying world.
Soli Deo Gloria