We've wanted to go through Financial Peace University for quite some time, but didn't have the funds available. While Ryan was driving to work one day, he was listening to the Dave Ramsey Show when they offered a giveaway of the training course. Ryan made the call and actually got through! They were really busy so the person took his information and said they would be in touch.
A few months passed and we never heard anything. Ryan thought he wasn't going to get the course materials. An email came in a short time later, just to promote some Dave Ramsey products, and Ryan decided to respond and ask about the course he had won but never received. Within 24-hours, someone responded to Ryan's email and now we're able to offer Financial Peace University training.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow... even the blessing of getting a money-management course for free! Now to advertise the class...
Want to be debt-free? Are you tired of the collection calls? Then join the Muniak Family for Financial Peace University! Starting on November 13th, we'll be learning from Dave Ramsey about how to obtain financial freedom!
This is OUR first time going through the class too, so you're not alone! Register with the provided link and you'll get discounted membership pricing for the class. The class will take place in our home. We hope to see you there!