But God was so merciful towards us all. I took Ben to the doctor just the other day and the neurosurgeon even said he was surprised at Ben's improvement and how his brain bleed has diminished. He may have been surprised, but we know that the giver and author of life is God and that He has taken care of Ben far greater than we or the doctors can.
It is my prayer that God would be glorified and proclaimed in this little one's life, even at an early age, that he would love the LORD with all his heart and that He would dedicate His life to serving God and ministering to others. Happy Birthday Benny Boo! Mommy loves her little miracle baby!

Never doubt the power of prayer, but more importantly never doubt God. His ability, His motives, His character. He uses all things for His glory and He can do things that no man can do and His love surpasses any sort of affection man can muster up towards another. He is such a great God, worthy of our worship, worthy of our hearts, worthy of our lives! - Elaine