What can we learn from this terrible tragedy in Ferguson? Sin is rampant in the world. Sin came about at the beginning of creation when human beings decided to go against the will of God. Indeed, the Bible says that sin is transgression of God’s law. In the protests taking place, we witnessed a plethora of God’s commands being broken… Do not steal, do not covet, and do not kill are just a few.

So what’s the big deal? Well, because you've broken the law, you will be punished. Since the law was broken against an eternal God, the punishment will also be eternal. You won’t just go to some prison or temporary holding cell… you’ll be cast into the lake of fire, a place called Hell. Think about the flames in Ferguson last night, would you enjoy being thrown into one of those burning buildings? Of course not!
Three days later, Jesus Christ rose from the grave. He defeated death and Hell and now He offers you an opportunity to be declared not guilty. You need to have His payment credited to your account, but in order for that to happen, you must be born again. That means you need to turn from sin, turn your heart away from breaking God’s laws. At the same time, place your trust in Jesus Christ and what He did for you on the cross, paying for the crimes you've committed.
Regardless of how you feel regarding the situation in Ferguson, Missouri, make sure you get right with God… before it’s too late. Michael Brown was only 18-years old when he died, so don’t think death only happens when you’re old. Cry out to God today! Beg Him to forgive you of every time you've broken His laws. Place your faith in Jesus Christ alone and God will declare your innocence.