Many times, I'm joined by Elaine and my children, while also ministering alongside my friend Eric as well as some members of the Brockhoeft family. We stand outside on the sidewalk with signs, Gospel tracts, and other literature. As people pull into the driveway, we attempt to interact with them... usually to no avail.
Another tool used is the amps. I have a small one that attaches to the waist as well as what I refer to as the "Big Boy" amp. When used, the "Big Boy" almost guarantees a visit from local law enforcement. I've discussed with the police about the volume and checked local laws to ensure that I am within legal limits, but Premeditated Pedocide still calls the police every time I bring the "Big Boy" out to play. I think that's because it's able to penetrate through the fortress they call a clinic.

People hate it when we show up at Premeditated Pedocide. There's a security guard that got in my face one day and Elaine thought he was going to punch me. I thank God for protecting me and restraining him! Another staffer threw condoms at us as she sped past in her car. They have another staff member that likes to come out and record video of us. I wave and make sure he gets a clear shot of each sign. Passersby also despise our presence and let us know it by obnoxiously honking (not to be confused with nice honking) and shouting profanities our way.
Would you please pray for our protection as well as for the salvation of lives and souls?